Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day Three

Last night we played in a church. It reminded me of the lock-ins I used to attend when I was a pious young high school student. Every Friday night after the Athens High football game, the nearby Methodist church opens the doors of its rec room and gives the local kids an alternative to sin and decadence, specifically a rock show, perhaps the greatest living model of sin and decadence, even on our small scale.

Irony aside, the kids were enthusiastic, fueled by pizza, candy, and sugary drinks.
Being a church show, everything ended early, and I got the chance to throw down in Athens some more. The night before homecoming, the entire “strip” was packed with drunken college students. Naturally, I was completely out of my element. I opted to forego my pursuit of informal romance so that I could spend more time with Curtis, Joe, and our most gracious hostess. Beer in Athens is remarkably cheap! It was surprisingly difficult to leave this morning.

It’s about a five and a half hour drive from Athens to Howell, MI, where we are about to play what is most easily but not necessarily most accurately described as a high school hallway. I found my way into the gym earlier and did my best Judd Nelson impersonation, thinking about trying out for a scholarsheeeeeeeeip. As usual, the kids are super nice and accommodating. It should be a good time. The whole show will be over by 11, so we’re left with a very good chance of a decent night’s sleep. Dare to dream!

After we finished playing, I did some more exploring. Apparently this is the OLD high school. It had been turned into a community center with lots of rec rooms, a working auditorium, a senior center, etc. We explored and took lots of pics (all of which you can find here.)

Show tonight in Grand Rapids, then a day off before our three hour drive to Chicago.

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